City of Marshfield celebrates Historic Preservation Month

Photo courtesy of the City of Marshfield.

Submitted to OnFocus – Throughout the month of May, the City of Marshfield will celebrate Historic Preservation Month. The celebration began as National Preservation Week in 1973. In 2005, the National Trust extended the celebration to the entire month of May and declared it Historic Preservation Month to provide an even greater opportunity to celebrate the diverse and unique heritage of our country’s cities and states.

To celebrate this event, yard signs are being placed in the yards of the homes and in buildings to help passerby’s recognizing the building/home is historic. Historic preservation involves remembering events, people, places and objects that are significant to our history. In celebration, we will be sharing all month long pieces of our history on the City’s Facebook Page, website and on our public television channels available on Charter Spectrum cable 989 and 990.

Marshfield has five historic districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places; Central Avenue Historic District, Pleasant Hill Historic District, West Fifth Street – West Sixth Street Historic District, West Park Street Historic District and the Upham Mansion Historic District.

There are several options for those interested to learn more about our rich history. Visit the City website at Visitors to the website will find items such as:

• FAQs

• Historic walking tour maps and information

• Marshfield Historic Districts

• Marshfield Historic Places

• National Register of Historic Places

• Stewardship Award Program

For research into the historic value of your property, the public library, your property deed and the North Wood County Historical Society can provide a good start or reach out to Development Services at the City of Marshfield.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

News Desk
Author: News Desk