City of Wisconsin Rapids Declares State of Emergency to Combat COVID-19


The City of Wisconsin Rapids Mayor Zachary Vruwink declared a state of emergency on Monday in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The declaration aims to position the City to be eligible to receive state and federal resources to mitigate the impact of coronavirus.

“Today’s declaration is to help inform the public and help prevent the spread of coronavirus in our community. This is about being mindful of our behavior but not inciting panic,” said Vruwink in a release. “We want residents to remain calm and take steps to ensure the safety of themselves and their families. I encourage residents identify a household plan of action.”

The City will implement for employees a suspension of all non-essential business travel; employee quarantine policies established by the Wood County Health Department; emergency paid sick leave providing up to 80 hours for illness, an ill family member, the need for childcare, or a department being closed; and closure of departments or facilities if necessary or mandated.

There is currently one known active case in Wood County as of Monday afternoon.

The City of Wisconsin Rapids recommends the following:

  • Avoid traveling to areas of the country or state with confirmed cases of infection or that are known to be high transmission areas
  • Cancel events or gatherings of more than 50 people, take extra precautions or consider canceling smaller events, and minimize your time in public or commercial spaces with large amounts of people
  • Continue to wash and sanitize your hands frequently, as well as clean common surfaces regularly
  • Don’t shake hands, don’t touch your face, cover your cough
  • Enact social distancing as much as possible when gathered with friends or in the workplace – keeping a distance of 6 feet between you and others
  • If you get sick, don’t go to work, and call your medical provider before going in for treatment
  • Gather a 2 week supply of food and needed prescriptions or medicine in case you need to suddenly self-quarantine
News Desk
Author: News Desk

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