City of Wisconsin Rapids Wastewater Department and A1 Excavating Begin Lift Station Force Main Connection


The City of Wisconsin Rapids Wastewater Department and A1 Excavating will begin excavation and connection to the Wisconsin River Crossing force main beginning Monday, July 16. As a result, the intersection of Ridgewood Trail and Golf Course Road will be closed. Residents and motorists will need to follow the directions stated below until the work is competed, which is expected to be finished by Thursday, July 19.

●  Residents on Ridgewood Trail will need to use Airport Avenue.

●  Residents on Golf Course Road will need to travel south on Golf Course Road.

●  Residents on Country Lane and Blue Heron Lane will need to use Pepper Avenue.

During this time crews will be working 24-hours a day, until the work for this component portion of the project is complete, so be alert for high volume of truck traffic along 2nd Avenue South from Gaynor to State Highway 54/Riverview Expressway Bridge and areas surrounding the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City encourages everyone to minimize local traffic in the construction area as much as possible.

The Wisconsin River Crossing force main carries water, sewage and other materials from the wastewater west-side lift station. The new overall infrastructure will result in life expectancies of 80-100 years for the river crossing force main, 50-80 years for the lift station structure and 20-40 years for lift station equipment. This ensures safe and reliable transport and processing of wastewater for generations to come.

Please contact Wastewater Superintendent Ryan Giefer with any questions or concerns.

News Desk
Author: News Desk