City Seeks Public Input at Comprehensive Plan Open House


City’s Comprehensive Plan Nears Completion

The City is interested in your input! The Comprehensive Plan is nearing completion and there are only a couple of opportunities left for public comment. An Open House will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the 1st Floor Conference Room of City Hall (630 South Central Avenue) for the public to view and comment on the draft Plan.

“The Comprehensive Plan has the potential to affect just about everyone in the community,” said Josh Miller, City Planner. “The Plan provides recommendations on policies and programs related to housing, transportation, natural resources, land use, as well as others that will have an impact on the future growth and development of Marshfield.”

Maps and information from the Plan will be available for review. An overview presentation of the Plan will be given around 5:30 pm. Following the Open House, the same presentation will be given at the Plan Commission meeting held at 7:00 pm in the basement of City Hall and will include a public comment period dedicated to comments on the Comprehensive Plan.

“A major aspect of updating the Comprehensive Plan is to adopt a public participation plan that outlines the various public engagement efforts the City will be doing to get public input when developing the plan,” said Miller. “So while we only had about 25 people show up to the Land Use Open House, we had some good feedback and really appreciate those that attended.”

Miller added that overall, the City has received feedback from about 800 people throughout the process, including responses from the surveys, meeting attendees, and people attending stakeholder forums, open houses, and town hall meetings.

“Now that we have a draft, it’s still important to get feedback from the public,” he said. “The remaining opportunities for feedback include the open house and Plan Commission meeting on Tuesday, submitting written comments between now and June 20th, and comments during the public hearing on June 27th.”

To view the latest draft (5/9/17), copies of the Plan will be available on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 in the Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library Information Desk and the City Clerk’s Office (5th Floor of City Hall) or available online in the link here.

If you have any questions or are unable to attend the meeting and would like to share your thoughts regarding the draft Plan, please contact Josh Miller at [email protected] or 715-486-2075.

News Desk
Author: News Desk