City to Discuss Jurustic Park Statue at Weber Park

jurustic park statue
Proposed Jurustic Park statue to be placed a Weber Park/Photo from City of Marshfield PC packet

Statue Would Join List of Other Jurustic Park Sculptures Throughout City

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The City of Marshfield Plan Commission is scheduled Tuesday to discuss placing a Jurustic Park sculpture/statue near the entrance of Weber Park, which is located on the western edge of the City at the end of Holly Avenue.

The family of Joe and Bernadine Weber made the request. Jurustic Park creator Clyde Wynia has been working with the family on design and placement of the sculpture, which stands 6’ tall and 3’ in circumference and includes a couple of fish and aquatic vegetation. The sculpture will be bolted to a concrete base, similar to other sculptures the City has received from Jurustic Park.

Per Wisconsin Statute 62.23, the Plan Commission must review the location of any statue prior to final action by the Common Council. At their September 8, 2021 meeting, the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Committee recommended approval of accepting the statue and the location of the statue and sent forth a positive recommendation to the Common Council.

The meeting takes place Tuesday at 7:00pm at City Hall.

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