City to Sell 8th and Hemlock Property


Three New Homes to be Developed on Property

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) A vacant city-owned property at 8th Street and Hemlock Ave. will be sold for $34,000 following a vote by the Common Council this week in closed session.

Once an ice skating pond, the 1.13-acre property in recent years has served as overflow parking for football games and other events at the Marshfield Middle School.

The lot will be developed into 3 single-family homes through a development agreement with SA Investments WI, LLC., of Marshfield.

“This is definitely a win-win for the City of Marshfield,” said City Administrator Steve Barg. “The City will no longer be responsible for maintaining a vacant property for which we have no intended use, and new homes bringing additional tax base will be constructed on the site.”


Now that the School District of Marshfield’s athletic facilities, including a new football stadium, have been constructed at the high school, there are fewer activities requiring high levels of parking near the Middle School, according to a city memo. To address parking needs, the school district will provide overflow parking on the Middle School’s northeast side near the staff parking lot.

A housing study in 2019 identified a lack of desirable lots in the city and a gap in housing priced below $200,000 and above $250,000. By selling the property, the City of Marshfield would no longer have to maintain the lot and could place the property on the tax roll, the memo stated.

According to the development agreement, two of the homes to be constructed can be served with existing sanitary sewer and water on Hemlock, while the third home will require an extension of the sanitary sewer main from the intersection of 8th Street and Felker Avenue, which will be paid for by the developer. The developer will also remove the shed on the property.

The agreement also states the construction of the homes should be completed before the end of 2025. If the developer satisfies requirements listed in the agreement, the City has agreed to commit up to $10,000 in incentives to the development project.

Public Works Considers Sale of 8th and Hemlock Property

Traffic Concerns Near Hemlock/8th Street Highlighted at Board of Public Works Meeting

Study Identifies Housing Needs in Marshfield

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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