Clark County Woman Charged with Felony Mistreatment of Animals

Clark County Photo

OnFocus – Charges of Felony mistreatment of an animal were filed this week against a Thorp woman in connection with an incident that took place in October 2020.

Jill Warminski is accused of zip-tying a puppy’s front legs and abandoning it near a creek. Warminski admits to the incident, adding that her kids couldn’t take care of the dog and stating that the Clark County Humane Society didn’t have room to accept it as a surrender.

A Clark County Sheriff’s Department post asking for information on the incident revealed that the puppy was weak and skinny and the zip-ties caused severe cuts so deep they could see bone.

Warminski is also charged with a Misdemeanor A for “resisting or obstructing an officer” related to lying to investigators about the puppy’s brother, which has not been located.

Marshfield Area Pet Shelter encourages anyone struggling with their pets to reach out to them at 715-486-5140.

“If you’re having trouble caring for your pets, please reach out to us!” said MAPS Executive Director Karen Rau. “We are an animal welfare organization and we have numerous resources to help both people and pets. We can offer assistance if people contact us.”

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