Clyde Wynia – Letter to Editor, in Support of Sam Steiner for School Board


Support of SAM Steiner for School Board

OnFocus: Sam Steiner, along with her husband Bob, has been our neighbor for 5 years. During that I have come to know her as one of the most giving persons I’ve ever known, devoting so very much of herself to giving herself to many very worthy causes, speaking, calling, writing etc. It is difficult to understand how she can do so many things for the good of the community, organizations, church, people.

And with so much involvement she comes into conflict so many times. She does not dodge conflict and takes an assertive stand for what she feels as right. And she does this in such a diplomatic way that there are no enemies created.

I have had my conflicts with her, and each time, without her being aggressive, I end up beaten but still smiling in admiration of her.

When you meet her you will love her (even if you don’t agree with every stance she takes).  She will do the job with enthusiasm and so much competency and dedication.

So, if this lady is willing to take on the job of school board I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Vote for her,

Clyde Wynia

Submitted to Editor by: Clyde Wynia

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