Colby Chrysler Donates $1,000 to Marshfield Clinic Mobile Mammography


(OnFocus) Colby Chrysler Center presented $1,000 to Marshfield Clinic Mobile Mammography this week in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.

“I think it’s a good cause for breast cancer awareness, for people to realize that it’s an ongoing thing,” said Bill Hanson, Sales Manager.

He decided the program would be a great cause to contribute to after learning about the mother of his son’s friend, who battled breast cancer last year. Since there are many with loved ones who continue to face their own battles, the business plans to fundraise for the cause again next year.

The mobile mammography units travel to rural locations to offer convenient access to mammograms for patients who might not otherwise have screenings due to where they live. When detected early, the 5-year survival rate for breast cancer is 99 percent.

“Events like this help people who don’t have the finances or the resources to pay for their screenings,” said Mary Beth Knoeck, Marshfield Medical Center Volunteer Fundraising Coordinator. “It’s also helping us to update our units so we have the most state-of-the-art equipment.”

Since 2013, the units have logged 530,000 miles to conduct over 28,000 exams and 5,000 bone density scans. In 2018 alone, the units screened 7,100 women and discovered 41 cases of breast cancer.

“A lot of those women would not have been seen or would not have been diagnosed that early if it wasn’t for the mobile mammography unit,” said Knoeck.

The Marshfield Clinic Health System is looking to acquire a fourth mobile unit which would allow more people to be reached and keep units up-to-date.

For more information or to make a gift toward the cause, visit To contact Colby Chrysler Center, call 715-223-2255 or visit

Colby Chrysler Center Donating to Marshfield Clinic Mobile Mammography

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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