Combative Inmate Injures Officers at Wood County Jail


(OnFocus) Two officers were injured this past weekend after attempting to restrain a combative inmate for his own protection, the Wood County Sheriff’s Department stated.

A corrections officer and deputy sheriff entered a holding cell to restrain inmate Enrique Galvan, 25, who then assaulted staff. As a result of the incident, the officer and deputy needed to receive treatment at a local hospital. The deputy is on leave for a broken ankle.

Galvan is facing the following charges: OWI, Fleeing an Officer, Resisting Arrest, and Battery by Prisoner (2 counts), a Class H felony.

Last week, the department shared that the quick response of several corrections officers to an inmate suicide attempt saved his life. The inmate was upset he was being transferred to the Waupaca County Jail.


“We recognize how dynamic, and volatile working in a jail can be,” the department stated on its Facebook page. “Our staff is trained and ready to react to save someone’s life, protect their own safety, or sometimes lend a listening ear to someone with difficulties, all at a moment’s notice. We wish our staff a speedy and full recovery and recognize them for the hard work they do in these difficult circumstances.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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