Committee Fundraising for Loyal Splash Pad Project Seeks Donations

Splash Pad Coming to Loyal/FB

OnFocus – When Kaila Fitzl was 12, she wrote a letter to the Loyal City Council asking about putting a pool near the golf course. It was tabled. Twenty-one years later and now a mother of 3, Fitzl felt like something was still missing in Loyal.

“It had been on my mind for a couple of years since discussing the idea with my dad while hanging out with him in the hospital during his cancer battle,” she said. “In October, the idea of a splash pad was further discussed by a group of moms. The consensus was to ask to be put on the agenda for the Loyal City Council meeting in November 2019. This time, they didn’t table the idea!”

Fitzl now serves as Committee Chair for the splash pad project, whose vision is to bring people, organizations and local businesses together—not only from the City of Loyal—but from all of the surrounding communities. Designed as a family-oriented, child friendly outdoor play space where kids can burn off energy and allow their imaginations to run far.

“Play is the universal language of fun, of collaboration, of growing,” said April Revels, committee member. “My cute and sassy nieces and nephew live in Loyal. The inspiration for me is the fun memories I will have with them as we spray each with the spraying canyon or wait for the dumping bucket to soak us head to toe! We will have so much fun cooling off, enjoying family time, being outdoors and meeting new friends at the splash pad!”

The plan is to install the splash pad at West Side Community Park, but donations are needed to make this possible.

“We are truly grateful for financial gifts of every shape and size,” said Fitzl.

“The splash pad is for everyone,” added Revels. “We want the community to be involved and to be excited just as much as we are! Does your business have excavation, electrical, concrete or landscaping skills? Consider bidding on the project and donating some or all of your costs.  In-kind donations allow the City to use local contractors who are willing make a charitable donation.  Recognition for various Donor Levels will be featured at the Splash Pad site.  Please donate your time, equipment and skills to the splash pad!”

Those interested in doing so can make a monetary donation through the Clark County Community Foundation or personalize a brick as part of the “Pave the Path to the Splash” campaign – click here and here.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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