Committee Recommends Denial of Permit for Frac Sand Mine


The Town of Rock Frac Sand Mining Impact Assesment Committee (FSMIAC) made its recommendations to the town’s planning commission on Monday, mentioning that there was substantial evidence to deny the permit.

The members of the Town of Rock Mining Impact Assessment Committee have identified what they believed to be “substantial evidence…that is both reasonable and to the extent, practicable measurable to deny the conditional use permit,” according to Jim Schmidt, Chair of the FSMIAC.

The members of the FSMIAC proceeded to recommended conditions if the Planning Commission decided to approve the permit. These restrictions included requirements for Coulee Frac Sand LLC to be bonded for well damage up to 1.5 miles from the mine boundaries and tests must be done every six months on those wells, limits on dust that may be emitted from the mine both in the air on the roads, and limiting the hours of operation to 6:00 AM to 6:00PM Monday to Friday and 6:00 AM to 12:00PM on Saturdays with the operation closed on Sundays and recognized holidays.

The full list of recommended restrictions can be found in the video above.

The next step is for the Plan Commission to review the recommendations. The commissions’ first meeting on this topic will be Monday, September 24th 7:00 PM at the Town of Rock Hall.


News Desk
Author: News Desk