Common Council Cleared as a Result of Investigation

Marshfield Common Council

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The City of Marshfield Common Council was cleared of any wrongdoing after it was named in a complaint signed by over 100 citizens of Marshfield.

In allegations levied against members of the Fire and Police Commission in April of 2021, the petitioners also named the Common Council in the complaint.

The Portage County Sheriff’s Department conducted an investigation based on the complaint which accused members of the Council of: Conspiracy to intentionally usurp the duties of mayor, open meetings violations and failure to maintain public records.

For the claim of “conspiracy to intentionally usurp the duties of mayor,” the claim was deemed not in the purview of the Portage County Sheriff’s Department’s range.

The investigation found that there was not enough evidence to meet the legal requirements for the investigation to continue for the other sections of the complaint.

The request came as a joint complaint as the petitioners named Fire and Police Commission member Andy Keogh and former FPC member Randy Gershman in the other section of the complaint. Both Keogh and Gershman were cleared by the Portage County Sheriff’s Department of any wrongdoing as well.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk