Common Council to Address Open Seat


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Common Council will address a newly vacant alderman position at its Sept. 24 meeting after a resignation Thursday.

During that meeting, the Council can decide whether to fill the District 7 position or leave it vacant, according to the city clerk. The seat is up for election in April.

If the Council chooses to fill the position, that individual will complete the term until the third Tuesday in April 2020. The Council will follow the process outlined in Municipal Code 2-06.

The city clerk will advertise the position for two weeks. Qualified applicants can submit a statement or letter of interest along with a resume by the deadline. Applicants will then be informed of the date of the Common Council meeting where they will give an oral presentation and answer questions.

At the next meeting of the Common Council, alderpersons may ask candidates further questions and will then vote by written ballot. The candidate with the most votes will be elected if there are fewer than three candidates. If there are three or more candidates, there will first be a vote on the entire group and then a second for the top two candidates.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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