Common Council Votes Against Alcohol at Hub City Days Car Show


OnFocus – The Common Council voted against an exception to the open intoxicant ordinance for the car show at Hub City Days, which takes place on Saturday, July 28t​h.

“What I’m bringing forth is an ordinance resolution to consider open containers in that area where the car show is going to be going on for Hub City Days,” said Rick Gramza, Police Chief, during the meeting.

“The challenge historically, and what I recently learned, is that that drinking at the car shows or in most car show areas is kind of the norm,” he said. “With the expectation of over 300 cars in that area for the car show, it’s going to be difficult to police if you have 300-plus people potentially drinking out of their own coolers and such.”

City ordinance allows the Common Council to permit drinking in certain areas and forego the open container law. The car show will take place 10-4 p.m. from 100-400 block on Central Avenue and decision would not infringe on the beer garden or Brew Fest area.

Alder Tom Witzel moved to amend the resolution to include the 2n​d​ and 3r​d​ Streets between Maple and Chestnut since the Car Show flows over onto those streets. That motion passed 5-4 with council members Feirer, Earll, Spiros, and Buttke voting No. Alderman Zaleski was absent.

“The reason this is in front of us is not because there’s a complaint,” said Jockheck. “So I’m looking at this from a practical standpoint. If we say no to this, we’re going to be sending probably more than two policemen down there.

“The PR for that it probably is more damaging than the probability of any problems existing.”

“I’m confused about the bad PR because we haven’t allowed them to do this all these years,” said Spiros. “It’s against the law for them to be having an open container, sitting there in front of their car, drinking. It’s been the law all along whether it’s been enforced or not.”

The resolution failed with a vote of 5 yes and 4 no. Council rules require a majority of the entire council, so 6 votes were required to pass the resolution.

News Desk
Author: News Desk