Community Event Supports Unity

(C) Branden Bodendorfer

Protests continue tonight in downtown Marshfield, with Marshfield Police Department hosting a Community Cookout at Wenzel Family Plaza tonight in conjunction with a protest.

Last night’s protest event attracted hundreds of people.

“I thought it was a very good turnout of people and a very peaceful protest,” said Mayor Bob McManus of the first night’s event.

Tonight’s event is also designed to be a peaceful demonstration.

“The event is a peaceful rally and march for Racial Justice that we actually partnered with the Marshfield Police Department and their community event,” said Brian Giles, co-organizer. “I think it’s important for people to express their freedom of speech for a couple of reasons. First, I think people are frustrated by what’s going on across the US and want to do something to bring about a change. Second, I we are starting to see a real erosion of our freedoms and that needs to be brought to light.”

“Marshfield is starting to become a more diverse community but sometimes we are sheltered or in a bubble to what’s happening in other areas,” added Giles. “I hope to bring to light not only that  people are rallying throughout the world to address racial injustice but I hope we can also address any racial concerns in our community tonight and finally hope people understand all lives can’t matter until black lives matter.”

“We have to build trust up with a lot of folks here,” said Wood County Sheriff Shawn Becker. “The event happening in Marshfield is a step in the right direction. It gives people an opportunity to come and talk to us, have some open conversations, and communicate.”

The event gets underway at Wenzel Plaza at 5pm in conjunction with the Marshfield Police event.

“If you’d like, bring respectful signs that address racial injustice or racism in general and please follow social distancing guidelines,” said Giles. “The message I have for people is let’s be peaceful, respectful but bring to light what’s happening in a show of solidarity as a community.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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