Community Foundation Seeking Applicants for Executive Director

The Marshfield Area Community Foundation Board: (L-R) Scott Larson, Martin Reinhart, Ben Bauer, Amber Kiggins-Leifheit, Ron Wilczek, Lori Belongia, Don Zais

Executive Director Amber Kiggens-Leifheit to Resign from Community Foundation

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) 2018 was a big year for the Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Inc (MACFI). We celebrated our 25th Anniversary and held an event to celebrate. The evening was highlighted by making a $25,000 contribution to Marshfield Respite Care.

After 6 years at Partner’s Bank MACFI moved to new offices located within the 2nd Street Community Center. We thank Partner’s Bank for their generosity over the last six years. Our new location offers good contact with many of our constituents in a very visible location.

Recertification for National Standards was achieved by the MACFI. National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® establishes legal, ethical, effective practices for community foundations everywhere. When you see the National Standards Seal, it means your generous donations are being managed according to our responsible grantmaking and financial policies.

In 2018, MACFI saw our community involvement increase exponentially. MACFI is serving as the fiscal agents for the Marshfield Area Pet Shelter, the new Welcome center and Cougar Exhibit at Wildwood Zoo, the new Lift Up the Arts for the Chestnut Avenue for the Arts, and the Marshfield Community Athletic Facilities. The Athletic Facilities is the largest project (to date) we have been the fiscal agent.

Amber Kiggens-Leifheit is the current MACFI Executive Director. Amber began with the Community Foundation in 2008. She is a passionate community volunteer and advocate, school board member and a major factor in the success and growth of MACFI over the last 11 years. In that time the Foundation has grown from 75 funds to 215 and $2.8M to $16.2M.

“It has been an exciting and rewarding opportunity to serve the community and to be a part of some marquee projects like our new library and athletic facilities, which I’m most proud of,” said Kiggens-Leifheit.

Any organization will experience change over time and MACFI is no exception. The MACFI board of directors has accepted the resignation of Kiggens-Leifheit, effective June 14th, 2019. Plans for the transition are underway and the search for a new Executive Director has begun.

“It is comforting to know that whoever accepts the role as Executive Director of the Community Foundation is coming into an organization that is healthy both in structure, financial health and sustainability,” said Kiggens-Leifheit.

The MACFI board is looking for an organized, self-motivated individual that possess strong communication skills. A knowledge of non-profits the Marshfield community and surrounding area is essential.

The successful candidate will report to the Board of Directors and will be directly responsible for overseeing the administration, programs and strategic plan of the organization. Other key duties include fundraising, financials, marketing, and community outreach.

A job description can be found on Interested candidates should contact the MACFI office at [email protected] or 715-384-9029.

About Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Inc.
The mission of Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Inc. is “Connecting people who care with causes that matter to enrich the quality of life in the Marshfield area.” The Foundation’s job is to communicate with those people to let them know how we can help them make a difference. Part of our job is to find out what these people may care about specifically and to inform them of the options the Foundation can provide in fulfilling their caring priorities. The Foundation is constantly assessing local needs so that we may direct our limited resources to those that are considered most vital.

Kiggens-Leifheit Not Seeking Re-Election for School Board

News Desk
Author: News Desk