Community of Spencer Funds and Constructs A Skating Rink in Lions Park


OnFocus – The Village of Spencer is installing a skating rink with the help of its community members.

UPDATE 1/27: Ice Rink is open!

The rink is currently under construction and will be located in the Lions Park just south of the tennis courts. The park is being built by volunteers in the community and was brought to attention by a resident.

City administrator and clerk Paul Hensch said the plans originally were for a smaller rink but recent support from the community has allowed for a more sizable facility.

“We were actually going to start a little smaller than this but since the outpouring was so great, we are going bigger,” Hensch said. “Right now we’re looking at about $2,700.”

The rink is totally funded by donations from the community and it will be 60 feet wide and 110 feet long.

The rink will not have skating rentals available but all that own their own skates are welcome to use the free facility. The village plans to put lights around the rink in the future but as of now, construction on the rink alone has only been approved.

Hensch said the community has been essential to the project.

“We’re just really thankful for the support of the community and the resident that brought it to the board as a suggestion,” Hensch said.

This isn’t the first time Spencer has hosted an ice skating rink. Years ago, behind the village complex a skating rink was formed but there was not enough activity to make it worth keeping.

The hope for Hensch and the village board is that with as much interest that has been shown, the new facility will be used more than the old rink.

If you are interested in volunteering to build the rink or to help maintain the rink, you can contact Paul at 715-659-5423.

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