Community Television Helps Maximize Palm Sunday Chorus Coverage


Public Access Helps Bring Cherished Tradition to Community

Officially founded in 1950, the Palm Sunday Chorus brings together volunteer singers from Marshfield and surrounding communities every year for a concert on the Sunday before Easter. The annual concert, which takes place at Our Lady of Peace Parish in Marshfield, is free of charge and enjoyed by hundreds of attendees each year.

For several years, Marshfield Community Television (MCTV) has been helping to bring that concert to those who can’t attend in person, and to preserve that concert for austerity.

“I feel the Palm Sunday Chorus is important to film because this event is for the whole community,” said Brett Butler, producer of this year’s broadcast. “At MCTV we strive to bring communication and education to all of the people of Marshfield so they may have a better understanding of our community, educational opportunities, and be involved in their local government’s decisions. The Palm Sunday Chorus is just one of many ways MCTV helps spread the community’s creative and artistic message.”

MCTV is a contracted service with the City of Marshfield, financed through cable franchise fees, and broadcast on Charter Cable Channels 989 (Community), 990 (Education), and 991 (Government). It is commonly referred to as “public access” television, though this is a somewhat outdated term.

Greg Walsh first became involved with Palm Sunday Chorus in 1978, and has been both a singer and videographer for the event.

“I look forward to this yearly event,” he said. “I have been told by some that while they ‘cannot carry a tune in a bucket,’ they enjoy listening. The Palm Sunday Chorus is a Marshfield Tradition. I hope to continue to share this tradition with our community and also to the many looking at Marshfield as a place they want to move to.”

Walsh said that throughout the years, he has seen some longtime listeners and singers stop attending due to failing health, which is why he values recording the concert for them to enjoy from the comfort of home.

“The taping and broadcast of this concert, as well as others, is what these individuals need,” he said. “Just because they cannot sing or attend should not be a reason to dismiss them and keep them from enjoying what they have held close for so many years. This is why I ask and actively work with Marshfield Community TV to record and broadcast this evermore timely program.”

Palm Sunday Chorus will be aired on Charter Channel 989 at the following times: Saturday, March 31 at 1:00pm and Sunday, April 1st at 7:00am and 5:30pm, and more frequently after the April 3rd election. Find a full broadcast schedule at

(Editor’s note: Palm Sunday Chorus is filmed in conjunction with local company, TriMedia, which is the current contractor for MCTV. TriMedia also operates this website.)

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Author: News Desk