Council Again Debates Parking for School District Athletic Facilities

Rettler Corporation rendering:

The Marshfield Common Council once again debated parking for the planned development of new athletic facilities at Marshfield High School.

Alderman Tom Witzel requested the council discuss the Conditional Use Permit for the baseball and softball fields being constructed at Marshfield High School.

The discussion revolved around concerns expressed by several council members that the current parking situation at Marshfield High School will not be adequate for the proposed developments. After further discussion, the Conditional Use Permit to proceed with the field construction was approved 6-4 with Aldermen Witzel, Jason Zaleski, Rebecca Spiros, and Tom Buttke voting no.

A Conditional Use Permit for parking exceptions for these fields was approved at the May 29 Common Council Meeting as part of the consent agenda.

In other action, the Common Council approved new insurance plans for city employees for 2019. The city renewed their health insurance with Security Health Plan with a 10% increase in premiums. Dental, Life, and Vision insurance will not change.

The Council also approved two agreements with outside contractors: $12,000 for a location study for a possible new police department building, and an agreement for the development of a new TID at the corner of Upham and Fig. The TID is for a potential development on the site of the closed Knights of Columbus hall.

The council gave their approval to the Economic Development Board transferring $50,000 to the Zoo Welcome Center Project for the water display that is going into the new welcome center.

The next meeting of the Common Council is at 6:00 PM on Monday, October 29, when it will hold its second of three budget meetings.

News Desk
Author: News Desk