Council to Consider Override of Mayor’s Veto


Mayor Vetoes Council Decision, Suspends Committee Meetings

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Common Council will address the possibility on April 21 of overriding a veto issued by Mayor Bob McManus regarding in-person meetings during the coronavirus pandemic.

On March 19, Council suspended its meetings and those of committees through April 10, and met on April 14 through remote electronic methods. On April 14, the Council voted to resume small committee meetings in-person and have a virtual option for large committee meetings, while those bodies could also decide whether to meet in-person.

The motion passed unanimously with Alderman Steve Mac Swain, who did not seek re-election in April, abstaining.

The mayor vetoed this decision on April 16 after concern by City Staff “and others” over meeting in-person, also suspending all committee meetings. Under Wisconsin State Statute 62.09(8)(c), the Common Council may override the veto with 2/3 vote of ALL members.

The Common Council will meet remotely for an organizational meeting on April 21 and consider a veto as part of its agenda. On April 28, it will meet electronically and decide how to conduct future meetings.

City of Marshfield to Cancel Committee Meetings Until Further Notice

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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