Crane Attacks Own Reflection, Damages Cars

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Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Marshfield Ordinance responded late Thursday morning to a report of a bothersome crane at a business on 29th Street.

A crane was reported to be in the Wenzel’s Farm parking lot aggressively attacking its own reflection in the vehicles and causing damage to the paint.

Ordinance Officer Bob Larsen said the crane and its family had finally moved on by the time of his arrival. “Luckily when I got there, they had taken off to the south and were no longer posing any threat or issue to the car,” he said.

The cranes had been in the area and chasing after employees on more than one occasion in the last week. Since two of its young were present, the crane’s attack on its reflection could best be explained as a misguided attempt to fend off a potential threat.


“It’s probably just because of the fact there were young babies with them, and it’s just being protective,” Larsen said.

Ordinance referred the incident to the Department of Natural Resources for future issues. “I don’t know what the deal is with them but hopefully if need be, the DNR can step in,” he said.

How to Handle Wildlife this Spring

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