D.C. Everest’s David Mayer Named WVC Boys Swimmer of the Year; All-WVC Team Named


All-WVC Boys Swim Team

200 Yard Medley Relay
1 Stevens Point
1) Cade Casey SR 2) Kyle Franz SR
3) Will Gargluak SO 4) Keegan McKinley
-Chapin SR
2 Stevens Point
1) Eddie Sapa SR 2) Nevyn Klessig JR
3) Gavin Stelzer FR 4) Hayden Ackerlund SO
HM Marshfield
1) Hayden Nelson SO 2) Michael Dick JR
3) Simon Dagit FR 4) Brayden Fischer SR
200 Yard Freestyle
1 David Mayer SO D.C. Everest
2 Konnor Pilger JR Stevens Point
HM Graham Lonsdale SR Marshfield
200 Yard IM
1 Will Gargluak SO Stevens Point
2 Wyatt Edrmann JR Wis. Rapids
HM Henry Hilbelink SO Marshfield
50 Yard Freestyle
1 Camden Barwick JR D.C. Everest
2 Cade Casey SR Stevens Point
HM Kyle Berres JR Marshfield
100 Yard Butterfly
1 Will Gargluak SO Stevens Point
2 Keaton Barwick FR D.C. Everest
HM Eddie Sapa SR Stevens Point
100 Yard Freestyle
1 Camden Barwick JR D.C. Everest
2 Kyle Berres JR Marshfield
HM Kyle Franz SR Stevens Point
500 Yard Freestyle
1 David Mayer SO D.C. Everest
2 Konnor Pilger JR Stevens Point
HM Graham Lonsdale SR Marshfield
200 Yard Freestyle Relay
1 D.C. Everest
1) Keaton Barwick FR 2) Camden Barwick JR
3) Adam Swedlund SO 4) David Mayer SO
2 Marshfield
1) Simon Dagit FR 2) Henry Hilbelink SO
3) Graham Lonsdale SR 4) Kyle Berres JR
HM Stevens Point
1) Gavin Stelzer FR 2) Keegan McKinley
-Chapin SR
3) Nevyn Klessig JR 4) Konnor Pilger JR
100 Yard Backstroke
1 Cade Casey SR Stevens Point
2 Keaton Barwick FR D.C. Everest
HM Eddie Sapa SR Stevens Pointt
100 Yard Breaststroke
1 Kyle Franz SR Stevens Point
2 Simon Dagit FR Marshfield
HM Adam Swedlund SO D.C. Everest
400 Yard Freestyle Relay
1 Stevens Point
1) Cade Casey SR 2) Will Gargulak SO
3) Kyle Franz SR 4) Konnor PilgerJR
2 D.C. Everest
1) Camden Barwick JR 2) Keaton Barwick FR
3) Benjamin Soehl FR 4) David Mayer SO
HM Marshfield
1) Brayden Fischer SR 2) Henry Hilbelink SO
3) Graham Lonsdale SR 4) Kyle Berres JR

Swimmer of the Year: David Mayer, D.C. Everest
Coach of the Year: Garrett Richetto, D.C. Everest


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]