Daniel Clark of Spencer Selected as State FFA Officer


Clark Will Serve One Year in Role

Spencer, WI (OnFocus) The Wisconsin Association of FFA has announced that Daniel Clark of the Spencer FFA Chapter was chosen to serve a year of service as the 2019-20 Section Seven State FFA Officer for the 90th Wisconsin FFA Convention to be held in Madison.

Clark, son of Kevin and Amy Clark, realized his passion for agriculture through his supervised agricultural experiences (SAE’s), which included employment at First Choice Recycling Center in Spencer, Great Lakes Fresh Market Deli, also in Spencer, and managing a high tunnel greenhouse. Clark currently attends UW-Stevens Point where he is majoring in fisheries and aquatics with a minor in military science and aspires to serve his country overseas.

Clark was active in Spencer FFA as a treasurer, president, and past president, all while participating in leadership and community service events. He enjoys seeing others learn more about agriculture and FFA through community programs, like Feed My Starving Children and Food for America. He is looking forward to having the ability to reach out to non-traditional agricultural students as a State FFA Officer.

Clark will meet thousands of FFA members and travel all over the country. While also meeting with various members of the local, state and national levels, he and his team will also meet with leaders in government, education, business and agriculture.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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