Dargenio Family to Chair United Way Campaign


MARSHFIELD, May 26, 2020—Marshfield Area United Way is thrilled to announce the Dan and Shauna Dargenio family will lead the United Way Campaign. Dan and Shauna, with their children Jeron and Jace, will serve as Campaign Drive Chairs this fall.

Dan and Shauna (a Marshfield native) met at Marshfield High School’s new staff orientation back in 2008, later married in 2011, and now are parents to Jeron (6) and Jace (3). Both Dan and Shauna are well respected teachers in the Social Studies Department at Marshfield High School.

In addition to teaching, Dan is co-owner at the new Escape Room Marshfield and is a real-estate agent. Both children enjoy playing sports, being outdoors and hanging out with their friends.

When first approached about the opportunity to be Drive Chairs for United Way’s Campaign, Dan stated, “We are honored and humbled. We strive to have a positive impact on people, especially students, in the Marshfield area and we are truly humbled that an organization as genuine as the United Way thought of us.”

Neither Dan nor Shauna are strangers to United Way. Shauna began volunteering for United Way’s special events and programs a few years ago, Dan served on an Allocations Committee in January 2020, and helped kick off the #IPledge Campaign in 2019. A campaign designed to promote local, small business owners who want to give back.

“Serving on Allocations reaffirmed how important it is to support our local United Way. Each year requests for funding from other community organizations continues to increase. And while these organizations are doing amazing work in our community, United Way is unable to fully fund everything that is asked of them. The committee has to make very difficult funding decisions,” said Dan.

“As teacher’s, we have seen firsthand the effects of poverty on students and families. Many of us look forward to important moments each year like the first day of school, Christmas break, or spring break, but many families and kids have a different view of these since it’s a time of stress and anxiety. We want to do what we can to help alleviate some of that stress,” added Shauna.

The current economic downfall of COVID-19 is going to affect all communities, big and small, nationwide. In closing, “We think more people are going to rely on United Way for a helping hand this year more than ever. So those of us that can help, need to help.”

Please join Dan and Shauna and their children this fall by participating in United Way’s campaign. For more information about Marshfield Area United Way’s work in the community and to find out how you can become involved, please visit www.marshfieldareaunitedway.org.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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