De-Shedding Treatment Can Reduce Pet Hair in the Home

Waffles the husky gets deshedding treatment at Pet Supplies Plus

Pet Supplies Plus Shares Tips on Controlling Shedding

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Dog hair everywhere? For many pet owners, battling pet hair is a constant struggle. Fortunately, there are several tried-and-true methods to keep both pets and their owners happy and comfortable.

“Lint rollers are obviously a must-have for any pet owner,” said Cicely Steinmetz, Grooming Team Leader at Pet Supplies Plus in Marshfield. “Also, regular brushing can go a long way to controlling the amount of pet hair that ends up where you don’t want it.”

Pet Supplies Plus has brushes for various species and purposes, and pet owners are encouraged to ask for recommendations that would help choose the best one for their situation. Though lint rollers, vacuums, and brushes go a long way toward helping control pet hair, but sometimes a little extra help is needed to keep the furniture looking good and the dog feeling great.

Pet Supplies Plus’s grooming team offers unique treatments that can help deter shedding and help your pet feel their best.

“The De-Shed Treatment is a de-shed shampoo and conditioner crafted with Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids and vitamin E to loosen undercoat and combat shedding,” said Steinmetz. “We also spend extra time brushing and working out the excess coat both in the bath and during/after drying to get as much hair as possible off the dog.”

Though it varies from dog to dog and coat type, this treatment is a great way to combat shedding and help reduce excess hair.

“While it doesn’t stop the dog from shedding, it will greatly decrease the amount of hair your dog is shedding and your furniture and clothes will thank you!” said Steinmetz. “Most owners see a difference for several weeks, and the dogs love the extra attention that they get!”

She added that keeping a dog on a regular 6-8 week de-shedding schedule can help even more.

“It’s a great way to help control pet hair,” said Steinmetz. “Dogs are worth every hair, but it’s nice to keep that hair to as minimal as possible!”

Holiday Tip: Grooming appointments also make great gifts.

To learn more, visit

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