December 12 Common Council Meeting Preview


Council Preview- What to Expect at Tuesday’s Meeting

With the City of Marshfield Common Council’s next meeting on Tuesday, December 12 at 7:00pm, City Administrator Steve Barg outlines what to expect. Previewing the agenda with him is WDLB’s Mike Warren, host of Council Preview on Marshfield Community Television (MCTV).

Expected Items for Discussion at Tuesday’s Meeting:

    • Proposal for electrical design services for the Police Station Generator Replacement Project
      • From the December 4 Board of Public Works Packet:
        “At the November 6th Board meeting, I reported that the emergency generator at the Police Station is no longer operable. Staff recommended that CIP project PD-K-5711, which is programmed in 2021 in the adopted CIP, be advanced to 2018. The project will require design services to properly size the new generator, identify related equipment upgrades that may be necessary, and develop plans and specifications for bidding. In the short term, a portable generator has been installed on a temporary basis until a permanent installation can be designed and bid out. Attached is the proposal for design services from Midwest Design Solutions, LLC for $7,500. This is not a budgeted expense for 2017 so a budget resolution will be necessary to fund these design services. A likely funding source is contingency. Once the consultant is on board, we will further define the scope of the project and will work to develop an updated installation cost estimate. We expect to bring a budget resolution forward in 2018 with recommended funding sources. Ideally the project will be ready for bidding during the first quarter of 2018 which will allow for installation in spring.”
  • Approval of the proposal for facility and space needs study of the Police Station
    • From the December 4 Board of Public Works Packet:
      “The 2018 Budget includes funds for a facility and space needs study of the Police Station building. The study, known as an Asset and Energy Management Assessment, will inventory all building assets, establish life cycles and replacement costs to track the condition and efficiency of all building elements long term, and evaluate programming/space needs for the department. One of the goals identified in the Common Council’s recent strategic planning discussion is to evaluate existing city owned buildings to help determine when new facilities are warranted. A similar study has recently been completed for the Street Division campus. This approach allows for data driven decision making to establish long term capital improvement planning as well as timing for building replacement. Eventually all city building should undergo this assessment process.”
  • Request to approve Resolution No. 2017-70, approving Committed Fund Balance classifications estimated to be $419,626 for 2017 continuing appropriations. (Read more here in the December 5 Finance, Budget, & Personnel packet)
  • Request to approve of Resolution No. 2017-64, adopting an updated City fee schedule.
  • PCA Update
  • United to Amend presentation and request to adopt a resolution or schedule referendum
News Desk
Author: News Desk