Deputy Fire Chief Reminds us Proper Disposal of Ashes is Important


Notice comes after two garbage truck fires in two months

Submitted to OnFocus – The Marshfield Fire and Rescue Department is asking everyone to please be mindful when disposing of ashes. Recently, two incidents occurred in garbage trucks on January 20, and the second February 16, 2021. The first fire investigation the cause of the fire was undetermined, but the second fire, two boxes of ashes were found came from a fire place or stove that had been thrown away in the trash.

The investigation showed when the trash was dumped the ashes still had an ember within. As the ember was exposed to oxygen it started the fire within the garbage truck. Improper disposal of ashes was determined to be the cause of the fire. If not for the quick action of the driver of the garbage truck to find a safe place to dump the refuse, the damage to their equipment would have been much greater and the impact on the environment.

When ashes are removed they should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting cover. The metal container should be placed away from anything that can burn. Ashes should never be removed in cardboard boxes, paper bags, plastic garbage cans or any other combustible container.

Ashes are safe to be disposed of if they have been contained in the metal air tight container for a week. Another way to ensure safe disposal is to soak the ashes with water, it is still recommended to let them sit for several days. Whenever disposing of ashes it is the residents responsibility to ensure ashes do not contain any hot spots or embers. 

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News Desk
Author: News Desk