Details Released on Town of Lincoln Fire at Central Feeds

town of lincoln fire

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – At 7:48am on March 20, 2023, units were dispatched for reports of a structure fire at Central Feeds, 11051 Falcon Road in the Town of Lincoln (just west of Marshfield).

Initial response included Town of Lincoln and Central RIT /Rehab (Rapid Intervention Team). Upon arrival, Lincoln Car 1 assumed Command and conducted evaluation of the scene. Thick black smoke was found pushing out of structure from roof eaves, doors, and vents.

Incident Command (IC) requests a 2nd Box Alarm, bringing in additional departments. Within 40 minutes of arrival on scene, a 3rd Box Alarm was activated to bring additional personnel to the scene.

Upon entry into building, responders found heavy black smoke and flames. Flames found around a diesel power unit for a feed grinder indicated the cause to be a malfunction of the diesel unit. A diesel fuel tank supplying the power unit in the area of the motor and feeding diesel to the fire was shut down. The fire was extinguished; building ventilated; and 100-150 gallons of diesel fuel was contained by firefighters on scene. Three cats were rescued from the building and turned over to the owners.

The building sustained heavy smoke and soot damage. The diesel power unit received major fire damage; no additional fire damage noted in structure. The feed mill is currently not operational.

Lincoln, Richfield, Cameron, Hewitt, Arpin, Vesper, Chili, City of Marshfield, Pittsville, Stratford, Spencer, McMillan, Central RIT/Rehab, Marshfield Utilities, Wood County Dispatch, and Wood County Sheriff’s Department assisted with the incident.

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Author: News Desk

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