Digital Planning Can Help Aid New Year’s Resolutions

digital planner

Digital Planning for Success

It’s the time of year where many people reflect and plan for the upcoming year. For a significant portion of the population, getting organized is an aspect of most New Year’s Resolutions. Digital Planners can be a great way to get organized, and one local entrepreneur has developed a custom planner to help. Branden Bodendorfer’s Key2Success (TM) Planner is designed to help everyone from business owners to teachers to professionals transition from a paper planner to a digital planner.

“My personal struggles with digital planning date back nearly 10 years. When Steve Jobs revealed the first-generation iPad in 2010, I looked at the device as a means of ditching my daily paperback planner,” said Bodendorfer. “Since my FFA advisor introduced me to a planner when I was in 8th grade, I used a paper planner in my life daily. Over the years I developed a bookshelf of notes taken throughout my life.”

Bodendorfer developed a digital planner for convenience and function.

“As I started to engage in business and start a family, I realized the importance of being dedicated to daily planning to achieve balance. However, I found myself having to constantly going back to my bookshelf to recover notes,” he said. “The tablet presented itself as an opportunity to move from paper to digital. However, through the last several years, I struggled with finding an app, stylus, and layout that fit my daily planning needs.”

To learn more about Bodendorfer’s digital planner, click here. He is also developing a motivational digital planner, a Bible digital planner, a recipe digital notebook, and more with the help of his creative team.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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