DNR: Check Your Window Wells for Salamanders


August means salamanders are beginning their migrations. As larvae become adults and leave their natal ponds, salamanders can easily fall into window wells and get stuck.

According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), those who live near a pond should check their window wells daily, and especially after it rains, to release any trapped salamanders.

A DNR biologist recently found over 100 tiger salamanders in her window wells, the DNR shared on Facebook along with photos.

Homeowners can also create a ramp out of untreated wood in the window well to allow the salamanders a way to exit. The DNR advises that while plastic coverings can help, there are still gaps that salamanders can fall into.

There are seven species of the amphibian in Wisconsin which mostly go undetected. Find out more about each at dnr.wi.gov.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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