DNR: Hunters Kill Fewer Deer Opening Weekend


Late Opening Date Affects Numbers

(OnFocus) Far fewer deer were killed during opening weekend for Wisconsin’s gun season than in 2018.

The Wisconsin DNR reported in a release that 90,286 deer were harvested during opening weekend, compared to 123,090 last year. A total of 46,866 bucks were registered on opening weekend, compared to 67,636 in 2018. Early figures indicate that the number of deer hunters in Wisconsin is comparable to last year.

The numbers were affected by gun season opening falling on the latest possible date this year.

“In 2018, we held the earliest possible deer season followed by the latest possible season in 2019. This occurred between the 2012-13 and 2007-08 seasons as well, and we saw similar declines in opening weekend registration totals,” said DNR big game ecologist Kevin Wallenfang.

The DNR said with low temperatures and the coming snow, hunters can still expect more opportunities for success.

Prevent Spread of CWD with Deer Disposal Sites Available Locally


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Author: News Desk

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