Dog Breeding Facility for Medical Research Moves Forward in Spring Green


A dog breeding facility for medical testing will move forward in Spring Green.

The Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Committee approved a conditional use permit for Jill and Clinton Kane to allow them to breed hundreds of dogs to sell for medical research.

The Spring Green Town Board had recommended denial of the permit after learning the purpose of the facility, which will house 135 dogs at a time and includes no outdoor exercise area. The Kanes said the dogs will be able to run indoors.

Two hours of public comments revealed concerns over the intended use for the dogs, noise, and possible groundwater contamination.

The committee noted that the couple had already started out with eight dogs without approval but granted the permit based on advice from the county lawyer to follow legal requirements in making the decision, over personal beliefs. The permit was approved with 16 conditions.

Last week, the Village of Spring Green denied a facility at the Kanes’ home to breed and house puppies before they were old enough for the other, approved facility.

“It wasn’t anything like I thought. I fell in love with the dogs. They were treated well, they were super friendly,” said Jill Kane, a veterinarian, of working for the previous kennel owner. “I wish there was no animal research, but it’s the law. The FDA requires testing on a large mammal before it’s going to approve a new device, a new medication. My husband and I feel we’re qualified to do it well.”

“These dogs are destined to live short lives in cages and most, if not all, will be killed after the end of the experiments,” said Megan Nicholson, Wisconsin Director for the Humane Society of the United States. “The Kanes will profit from selling them to big pharma, where they will be force fed toxic doses of chemicals or induced with painful disease.”

The full meeting and discussion can be viewed at the Sauk County website.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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