Donors Encouraged to Pick up Tokens from Removed Ministry Foundation Donation Tree


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS) is currently facilitating the return of donor tokens from the Ministry Foundation donation tree that adorned the hospital’s entrance.

The Ministry Foundation donation tree has been a symbol of appreciation and recognition for the contributors who supported the hospital’s mission. However, with the dissolution of the Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, and no access to the donor records during the acquisition of the hospital, MCHS faced challenges in maintaining the donor program seamlessly.

Jeff Starck, the Communications Director at Marshfield Clinic, shared insights regarding the situation, stating, “Marshfield Clinic Health System did not receive the Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital Foundation donor records when we acquired the hospital, which is a common practice in the donor industry. MSJH Foundation later dissolved. Out of respect for the donors, we left the trees up in the hospital since 2017. Without the donor records, it was difficult to maintain the donor program.”

Those donors who wish to reclaim their tokens can do so by visiting the MCHS Foundation office or contacting Caroline Wilm at [email protected] or 715-389-3238.

To further facilitate the process, MCHS Foundation staff will be available in the Marshfield Medical Center lobby on Wednesday, Aug. 2, and Friday, Aug. 4, from 2-4:30 p.m. Donors may stop by during these hours to personally pick up their cherished tokens of appreciation.

“We appreciate the many families and patients who donated to the hospital for generations,” added Starck. “As the hospital and clinic have become one integrated medical facility the past six years, we look forward to the next generation of donors helping make Marshfield Medical Center the hub of health care in central Wisconsin.”

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Author: News Desk

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