Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign Aims to Prevent Impaired Driving


OnFocus – To help decrease the number of drunk drivers on the roads, the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office is on the of the many agencies participating in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, running Dec. 14 through January 1.

In 2017 there were 161 deaths and more than 3,000 injuries as a result of crashes involving alcohol. Alcohol-impaired driving is associated with other high-risk behaviors that increase the likelihood of a crash, injury or death; these include speeding and failure to wear seat belts.

Drugged driving is another issues within the state and is frequently overlooked. A medication that states not to drive means that if you do, you could be impaired. Rather than risk a drunken driving arrest or crash, the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office urges drivers to follow these common sense suggestions:

-Choose a sober designated driver before you start drinking
-If you’re feeling buzzed, you likely are over the 0.08 BAC limit and should not drive
-Take mass transit, a taxi or ask a sober friend to drive you home
-The Zero in Wisconsin traffic safety program has a free “Drive Sober” mobile app that can be downloaded by visiting
-Some taverns and restaurants have programs to provide patrons with a safe ride home. Visit

Report impaired drivers to law enforcement by calling 911.

News Desk
Author: News Desk