Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over holiday campaign

drive sober

WOOD COUNTY, WI (OnFocus) – This holiday season, the Wood County Sheriff’s Department is joining law enforcement agencies across Wisconsin and the nation to prevent tragedies in our communities.

There will be more officers out patrolling to get impaired drivers off the roads during the annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over holiday enforcement campaign. It runs Friday, December 16 through New Year’s Day.

The campaign is not simply about stopping or arresting drivers. It is focused on saving lives. Someone is killed or injured in impaired driving crash every two hours in Wisconsin. During the last holiday season, there were nearly 400 crashes that involved an impaired driver.

This is a team effort. Everyone needs to protect themselves and their neighbors by always driving sober. If a friend is about to drink and drive, take the keys and help them get home safely. If you see a driver you suspect is under the influence, call 911.

Alcohol and drugs can have a significant impact on a driver’s focus and ability to maintain control behind the wheel. Last year in Wisconsin, there were 6,368 alcohol-related crashes that killed 166 people. Alcohol contributed to more than a quarter of all traffic fatalities.

The holidays are a special time of year for many. We want everyone to enjoy the season, but we need commitment from drivers. This enforcement campaign helps us get the message out that drunk driving is illegal and it takes lives. Let’s put an end to these needless tragedies.

  • Submitted by Wood County Sheriff’s Department

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