Dumpster Puppy Baby Swiss Visits Pet Shelter “Buy a Bone” Fundraiser


Funds to Benefits Marshfield Area Pet Shelter

Marshfield Area Pet Shelter was presented with the proceeds from a successful “Buy a Bone” fundraiser on Thursday, May 23 by Team Schierl Companies. During the month of April, guests at The Store could donate to the shelter with the purchase of a $1, $5, or $10 paper bone. Altogether, $3,000 was raised for local animals.

This was the 8th year for the campaign, which has generated $14,200 for the shelter.

“This is a large amount of money that helps with our day-to-day operations, especially to spay and neuter, vaccinate, and microchip our animals before they go to their forever home,” said Karen Rau, MAPS executive director. “Amounts of money like this mean the world to us because for one thing, we don’t have to try to raise it ourselves…We appreciate all the customers and the corporation for doing this for our shelter.”

The presentation received a special visit from Baby Swiss, one of the puppies rescued from a dumpster this February and cared for by the shelter. The puppies’ story received attention from national and international media outlets, including Inside Edition.

Marshfield Area Pet Shelter is a 501(c)3 non-profit, volunteer-based organization. MAPS is currently operating in a temporary home on West 29th Street in the former airport terminal building and operates an Adoption Center at Marshfield Mall. Later in 2019, the shelter will break ground for a permanent facility.

Donations to the capital campaign can be gifted through Marshfield Area Community Foundation, PO Box 456, Marshfield, WI 54449. Contact the foundation with questions at 715-384-9029.

Visit www.MarshfieldPetShelter.org or call 715-486-5140 for more information.

Buy a Bone Program Returns to Support Marshfield Area Pet Shelter

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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