Dustin Feddick Continues Family Auto Tradition in Abbotsford

Dustin Feddick

Grandson of Former Owner Continues with Abby Ford

Abbotsford, WI (OnFocus) Dustin Feddick has worked in Abbotsford as a service technician for seven years, but his connection to the Abbotsford auto industry has been lifelong.

Dustin’s grandfather owned Feddick Ford and his dad served as a salesman for the business.

“Growing up, I washed cars and then I started helping with oil changes and haven’t looked back,” said Dustin.

During his junior year of high school, Dustin started officially at Feddick Ford as a school-to-work intern and knew it was what he wanted to do for a career.

A self-declared perfectionist, Dustin enjoys the diversity of the work at Abby Ford.

“In a shop this size, you can have five different vehicles on a lift and it’s rarely for the same thing. There’s always something different,” he said.

When new ownership took over the business earlier this year, Dustin was happy to stay on as a technician.

“I have a lot of knowledge and schooling, so it made sense to stay…and they’ve been nothing but good to me,” he said.

Last November, Dustin was involved in a car accident after the approaching driver crossed the center line and crashed into Dustin’s truck. He broke both legs, his left arm, his hip, and has had nine surgeries and been battling infections since. Now on crutches and with a leg brace, Dustin still works hard at the job he loves.

“If you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backwards,” he said of his attitude since the accident.

Dustin enjoys not only the work, but also the community element of his job.

“It’s always been a very personal relationship with our customers,” he said. “We treat everyone the best that we can.”

Visit Dustin and the rest of the service team at 501 N 4th Street (HWY 13) in Abbotsford.

Abby Ford Opens Under New Ownership

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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