Eagle Scouts Project Collects Eyeglasses for Developing Countries


Donate Eyeglasses to Select Locations This Weekend

SuHaas Bhat has been wearing glasses since he was six years old, a fact that inspired him to pursue a very special Eagle Scout project. A Life Scout (the second highest ranking in Boy Scouting) in local Troop 392, Bhat is spearheading a service project that collects used eyeglasses so that those in developing nations can have access to prescription glasses. Working in conjunction with the Marshfield Lions club, Bhat’s collection will be distributed to those in need.

“If I take off my glasses, I can’t see anything at all,” Bhat told OnFocus’ Branden Bodendorfer in a recent video interview. “I can’t do anything without glasses, so I imagine that in other countries, people have similar problems. And glasses are expensive, and hard to make. It is very hard to get glasses in developing countries.”

Since many people have prescription changes over the course of their eyeglass-wearing lifetime, Bhat is hoping to collect 500 pairs of old glasses and then work with the Lion’s Club to ship them to developing nations.

“It’s a low cost for us and very much a benefit for those we’re giving them to,” said Bhat.

Those wishing to donate eyeglasses can do so at this weekend’s Festival Foods Farmers Market, Joey’s Optical, and at Marshfield Clinic cafeteria. Watch the video and follow Facebook.com/troop392glasses to learn more.

Stay tuned to OnFocus to learn more about other Eagle Scout projects happening right here in Marshfield.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk