Edgar Student-Athlete Emily Murkowski Profiled: Pancakes or Waffles?


Edgar student-athlete Emily Murkowski goes under the spotlight, and we get to know her a little better with our world-famous interview: Pancakes or Waffles? Read on to find out the inside scoop…

OnFocus: What are your favorite subjects/classes and why?  

Murkowski: My favorite classes are psychology and sociology because I am very interested in the mind and the human thought process.

OnFocus:  What words of wisdom can you give to other student-athletes?  

Murkowski: I would tell other student-athletes that the hard work you put in will pay off, and to never strive to be perfect, give yourself achievable goals.

OnFocus: What are your hobbies?  

Murkowski: I really enjoy playing volleyball and spending time with my family, and when I am not doing that I am usually shopping or hanging out with friends.

OnFocus: Who is/was your first favorite teacher and why?  

Murkowski: My second grade teacher Mrs.Rislove was my favorite because she always made class fun and she was always there to help me which made a big impact on my life.

OnFocus: What is the most unusual food you have eaten?  

Murkowski: Normally I don’t go outside my comfort zone when it comes to food but when I was in New Orleans I had eaten alligator and that is the most unusual food I have eaten.  

OnFocus: What is your favorite music to listen to?  

Murkowski: My favorite music to listen to is country and pop.

OnFocus:  What are your plans after high school?  

Murkowski: I will be Attending UW- Green Bay with a major in psychology.

OnFocus:  If they made a movie about you, and your life, what would it be called?  

Murkowski: ‘The bold and the beautiful’

OnFocus: What sports do you play?   

Murkowski: Volleyball

OnFocus: Which teammate would you not want to be stranded with on a deserted island?  

Murkowski: Shelby

OnFocus:  What are some memorable moments you have had as an athlete?  

Murkowski:My most memorable moment as a volleyball athlete was seeing a whole new varsity team come and grow together to be a team nobody expected.

OnFocus:  Who are your favorite athletes and/or teams?  

Murkowski: My favorite teams are Badger volleyball and Nebraska volleyball.

OnFocus: What do you enjoy most about competing in front of family, friends and fans?   

Murkowski: I really enjoy playing knowing I have all that support behind me and knowing that after the game they will be there to talk about it.

OnFocus:  Do you have a funny or unusual moment(s) you have experienced in sports?

Murkowski: I once ate half a birthday cake in the locker room before I played and ended up playing one of my best games of the season.

OnFocus: What’s the best thing about being a student-athlete at  Edgar?

Murkowski: I think the best part about being a student athlete at Edgar hs is the support system and knowing if you have a big win or lose everyone in the community and at school is there to back you up.  

OnFocus:  What words of wisdom can you give to other student-athletes?  

Murkowski: I would tell other student-athletes that the hard work you put in will pay off, and to never strive to be perfect, give yourself achievable goals.

OnFocus: Lastly, pancakes or waffles?  

Murkowski: Pancakes all the way, especially McDonalds!!


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]