Election Coverage: District 4 Candidate Gordy Earll


Meet District 4 Candidate Gordy Earll

Focus On Marshfield reached out to both District 4 Aldermanic candidate Gordy Earll and candidate Ken Bargender. Bargender chose not to participate in either the video or written portions, stating, “I feel that answering these questions are not in my best interest at this time.”

The questions below were submitted to Focus by an independent party. They were then e-mailed to each candidate, and answers will be posted in their entirety, as received. Video is provided courtesy of Marshfield Community Television.


FOCUS: Please introduce yourself. Tell us about yourself, your education, family, occupation(s), hobbies, and prior community involvements if any:

EARLL: My wife, Nancy and I have five sons and daughter-in laws together. Our sons’ careers included a surgeon, a physician assistant, a college instructor, an engineer, and an investment officer. We have nine grandchildren consisting of seven boys and two girls. They range in age from 14 to 26.

Nancy and I are both retired, and have been involved in volunteering for various organizations. We have both been involved in delivering for the Meals on Wheels program and serving as election poll workers. We also are actively volunteering at our church. I also served on the City Board of Review for more than 20 years.

I am serving my 8th year on the City Council as the 4th District Alderperson and am currently the Council President.

FOCUS: Next, tell us why you are interested in being a part of the City Council. Are you satisfied with the way things are getting done now?

EARLL: I am satisfied with the way the council currently manages the affairs of the city.

FOCUS: Streets are a big issue. In fact, the recent referendum to borrow funds to speed up the road program failed. Why do you think it failed? Did you support the referendum yourself? Why or why not.

EARLL: The simple answer to why the recent street referendum failed is because the majority of tax payers did not support it for a variety of reasons. I did support it because streets are the number one complaint the council deals with.

FOCUS: The community seems to support a new pool/aquatic center. The proposed community center (old library) is not fully funded. With limited financial resources which of the needs, i.e. roads, community center, aquatic center, which would you rate #1,#2, #3? 

EARLL: I rate roads as #1, the Community Center as #2, and the Aquatic Center as #3, based on the limited financial resources of the city.

FOCUS: The current mayor, Chris Meyer, has stated that he will not run again next year. Should the City downgrade, upgrade, the position or keep the status quo in terms of our expectations and the salary?

The current mayor is one the best the City of Marshfield has had and I would hope we elect a new mayor with similar abilities. The position needs to be maintained because the city needs a strong knowledgeable individual to assist and guide the council and perform the many other duties of a mayor.

FOCUS: Was the decision to enhance and beautify 2nd street and to promote a gathering place in the old News Herald location a good idea, or not?

EARLL: I hope the decision to build a downtown park in the present location turns out to be good idea. I was opposed to the current location because the Council did not originally agree to purchase the site properties for the purpose of a park. The land was purchased for business development and future taxes. After one and a half years of standing vacant, a prior study recommending a downtown park was reviewed and the site was chosen by a majority council vote. I believe a park on the present site is not the highest and best use of the property.

If Marshfield really needs a downtown park there are other locations in the downtown area that could be utilized.

FOCUS: Now is your opportunity to tell potential voters why they should vote for you.

Voters of District 4 should vote for me because of my experience on the council and the many council meetings, committee meetings and city related events I attend in the course of one year. In 2016, I attended over 200 of the above mentioned functions and I will continued to do so if the voters choose to re-elect me their representative on the city council.

Remember to vote on April 4, 2017! Learn about your ballot at myvote.wi.gov!

News Desk
Author: News Desk