Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)

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CLARK COUNTY, WI (OnFocus) – (From Clark County Emergency Management) The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) was created in 1986 by Congress to initiate local emergency planning for accidental chemical releases.

The EPCRA Program requires communities to prepare for hazardous chemical releases through emergency planning and by maintaining hazardous chemical information submitted to them by the facilities covered under the law.  Facilities that store or use hazardous chemicals in certain quantities are required to report these quantities to the State of Wisconsin annually.

The planning portion of the law requires local communities to develop preparedness plans for these potential accidental releases.  These plans provide essential information for responders along with creating a database of stored chemicals.  The community right to know portion increases the public’s awareness of chemical hazards in their community and assists in obtaining information about these hazards.

Each Wisconsin county is designated as an emergency planning district and has a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) to administer the local program.  LEPC membership includes local elected officials, members of emergency response agencies (fire, law enforcement, EMS, health, etc.), and representatives for transportation, public works, the media, community groups, and operators of affected facilities.

LEPCs maintain a county-wide emergency response plan which includes:  the county hazard analysis summary, a list of facilities storing hazardous materials, identification of transportation routes for extremely hazardous substances (EHS), procedures for notification of releases, response to releases, procedures for sheltering and evacuation, and a schedule for training.

LEPCs assess the county hazmat response resources and equipment, respond to public requests for information under “community right-to-know” law, and conduct hazmat training and exercises.  Wisconsin has annual exercise requirements and the LEPC works to involve facilities, response agencies, and other local officials in the exercises.

LEPCs also work with facilities to develop and maintain off-site emergency response plans.  There are more than 7,000 facilities in Wisconsin that plan and report use and/or storage of certain chemicals.  Depending on the quantity of the chemical on site, the facility may be required to have an off-site emergency plan.  These plans, which are reviewed and updated on a regular basis, are filed with the State of Wisconsin and a copy is also on file in the Emergency Management Office.

These facilities work to be in compliance with requirements and are continuing efforts to minimize the risk of a spill along with planning and preparedness measures in the event an accidental spill would occur.  Those efforts along with the work of the LEPC and other emergency response personnel are vital parts of the process to keep the community informed and aware of potential hazards and of the safety measures in place.

Clark County Emergency Management, in cooperation with the LEPC, continues efforts to make the public aware of the potential hazards around us along with the efforts of industry and emergency response agencies to minimize risks and prepare for accidents.  This work requires both public and private sector involvement and has proven to be a success.

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