Experience the Future at McDonalds


Marshfield’s McDonalds is getting some new technology. Branden Bodendorfer interviewed the Marshfield area restaurant manager, Tony Conner, who says that the restaurant has recently acquired some new features.

“McDonalds has a new ‘Experience the Future’ that they’re pushing, and is another option for customers to place their order at a kiosk.” The kiosks are a great way for people who have small orders to place their order and not have to stand in line for one or two items.

The kiosks will also allow table service, where the kiosks take the order, and employees use the kiosk’s locater system to deliver your order directly to your table. Another great advantage of the kiosks is that while it may seem to be a way to rid of human interactions, it’s actually another way to provide great customer service.  Conner also says that the kiosks allow you to take the order by yourself, but notes that there are some limitations, like special orders and only accepting credit/debit cards and gift cards.

Conner says that while the kiosks aren’t fully functioning yet, he hopes to have the kiosks up and running by March 22nd.

News Desk
Author: News Desk