Extreme Makeover City Hall Edition


What’s Up?

City Hall is moving on up to the WEST side!  While the move is not far, only about one block west of its current location, the City Council is now tasked with setting the floorplan of its new location.

Now What?

The City now has to decide which of the 3 options work best for City staff and the various departments the City has.  We already know that the Parks and Recreation department are moving over to the Community Center.  The question now is “do we want open concept or more of a traditional feel?”


HGTV jokes aside, Marshfield does have to figure out which departments go where and how to make it flow and make sense to the average citizen.  They want the new City Hall to be a “one-stop shop” for its citizens.  They are already miles ahead in that category because they are moving from a 7-story building to a 2-floor building 1/3 the size.  “We have the customer in mind as we plan out the floor plan,” said Steve Barg City Administrator in this week’s Council Preview show on MCTV.

Gorman & Company Inc. is turning the current City Hall building into historic style “workforce style” apartments.  The company that built Forward Financial Bank (Boson Co Inc.) also is going to be working with the City on renovating the current Forward Financial Bank.

The discussion Tuesday night during the Council meeting is to look over the 3 options they have and to make sure everyone’s best interest is kept in mind.  They will not be voting on this issue, however, that item may be brought forth at the January 24th Council meeting.

The public’s input is appreciated and valued at any of these meetings.


News Desk
Author: News Desk
