Washer Toss: Learn how to play, Tutorial, Rules and Scoring


Washer Toss is a fun, social yard game that can be enjoyed by two or four players. Get more washers into your target box than your opponent to win this game! Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play washer toss below.

Washer Toss Tutorial

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//www.youtube.com/embed/VFnQUfKbzFk?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1″ data-provider-name=”YouTube”>


Two or four players; Washer Toss set


The target boxes are placed 20 feet apart.  This distance can be changed based on player ability.

The game can be played one vs. one, where players will throw from one end to the other, then switch ends, or two vs. two, where teammates stand across from each other.


The object of the game is to score points.  Points are scored by throwing your washers into the target box.

Game Play

The game begins with players alternating throwing their washers to the target box.  The washers can be thrown any way the player chooses.  Once each player has thrown all their washers, the round is over.


Three points are scored for a washer in the center pipe.  One point is scored for a washer in the box.  No points are scored for washers outside the box.

The scores are netted each round.  This means each team’s points cancel each other out, and only one team will score points each round.  For example, if blue gets six points and red gets four points, blue would be awarded two points.

The first team to score 21 points wins the game!


A washer is allowed to bounce into the box.

If a washer lands and stays on the edge of the box, the throwing player automatically wins the game.

The game can be played where a player or team must land on 21 points exactly to win.  If a player or team goes over 21 points, they go back to 15 points.

The skunk rule can be played where if a player or team scores 11 or more points before their opponent, they win the game.


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]