Fairway Mortgage Ranked #1 in the Country for USDA Loans


OnFocus – Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation has again been ranked as the #1 lender in the country for the USDA Guaranteed Loan Program in both units and volume for 2020. This is the fourth consecutive year that Fairway has earned this highest ranking.

“With all of the challenges of 2020, it’s been especially great to work for a company that continues to work hard for its customers,” said Josh Kilty, Mortgage Planner. “USDA loans are important tools for success for many people locally and I’m proud that we can offer such a quality product to our neighbors.”

Home loans guaranteed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provide affordable financing options for properties located in designated small towns, suburbs and exurbs. This program helps eligible low- to moderate-income families achieve homeownership by offering a no down payment option.

USDA Loan Eligibility is based on the property size, location and condition along with income and other qualifying factors.For more information, contact Kilty at 715-384-7878 or [email protected]

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