Family to Lead United Way Annual Campaign


Anderson Family Chairs for 2018 United Way Campaign Drive

OnFocus — For the third consecutive year, Marshfield Area United Way will have a family leading the annual campaign in the Fall. United Way is pleased to have Marty and Jennifer Anderson and their three children, Jocelyn (Jocie), Olivia and James as 2018 Campaign Drive Chairs.

In 2002, Marty and Jennifer relocated their family to Marshfield from the Stevens Point area. Marty is the Chief Marketing Officer at Security Health Plan and Jennifer is a Senior Research Associate at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute. All three children are attending Marshfield Schools. Jocie (16) and Olivia (14) will be attending Marshfield High School in the Fall. Jocie will be beginning her Senior year of high school and Olivia will be entering as a Freshman. James will be going into sixth grade at Lincoln Elementary school.

The Anderson family has a very special history with United Way. Marty has been involved with United Way for a number of years serving on the Allocations Committee. The committee is comprised of thirty community volunteers whom review program funding applications and make funding recommendations to United Way’s Board of Directors. Jocie came to United Way in 2013 at the age of 11 wanting to help homeless individuals after she was impacted by seeing a homeless individual sitting outside of a local business. She took it upon herself to coordinate a blanket drive at her school. The blankets were to be provided to homeless individuals. Since then, Jocie has been volunteering at United Way almost every Friday after school. She was named United Way’s Volunteer of the Year in 2015.

When approached about leading the United Way Community Campaign the Andersons said, “We were honored to be chosen to help support United Way and we’re excited to make an impact in our community. We immediately knew we wanted to take on the challenge.” As Drive Chairs, the Anderson’s main goal is to increase public awareness regarding all the community programs that United Way supports.


“Whether you realize it or not, someone you know has been helped by United Way. Knowing you have been a part of helping your neighbors is a great feeling,” said Jennifer.

“United Way has made a significant impact on our community through the numerous programs it supports. “Through these programs United Way invests in, United Way makes a real difference in the lives of our friends and co-workers every day,” Marty added.

Please join the Andersons this Fall by participating in the United Way campaign. For more information about Marshfield Area United Way’s work in the community and to find out how you can become involved, please visit

Photo caption: The Anderson family will lead the 2018 United Way Campaign. From left: Olivia Anderson, Jennifer Anderson, James Anderson, Marty Anderson, Jocelyn Anderson.

News Desk
Author: News Desk
