There’s more than dairy at Farm Technology Days July 10-12 in Wood County. Visitors will be able to take a look at the important cranberry industry in Central Wisconsin. Today, there are 100 growers in Wood County and 5,400 acres of cranberries, and Wisconsin accounts for 60 percent of U.S production.

In addition to cranberry-related foods like brats or ice cream, a representation of a real cranberry marsh is located by Innovation Square. Representatives from cranberry sites in Wood County created both dry and wet cranberry beds and will answer questions about growing cranberries.
Put on hip boots and wander in the cranberries – throw a handful in the air and get your picture taken, and say hello to the cranberry mascot from 11-2 p.m. In the ag education tent, kids activities include coloring, building a cranberry bog inside a cup, cranberry samples, and wildlife information.
Equipment used in harvesting both historic and modern is displayed around the marsh. See how vines used to be planted and the berry pump used to harvest cranberries.
Read more about what to find at Farm Tech Days at this link.