Fatal Vehicle vs. Pedestrian Collision in Marshfield Township

fatal collision

On Monday morning at 10:14am, the Wood County Dispatch Center received a
911 call of a pedestrian that was struck by a vehicle on County Highway Y near the
intersection of N Galvin Avenue in the Township of Marshfield.

The initial investigation indicates an eastbound pick-up struck a male pedestrian while he was in the roadway. The male pedestrian was pronounced deceased by the Wood County Coroner at the scene.

The Wood County Sheriff’s Department was assisted by the Marshfield Police Department, Wisconsin State Patrol, Marshfield Fire and Rescue, Cameron Fire Department , Hewitt Fire Department , Wood County Coroner and the Wood County Highway Department. The crash and its cause remain under investigation. Names will be released pending family notification .

-information provided through a press release by Wood County Sheriff’s Department

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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