Feedback Reveals Intersections Drivers Give Extra Caution in Marshfield

Intersection of Veterans/Centeral. Photo Credit: Steven Okonek/ Tri-Media.

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – After a recent OnFocus article highlighted an accident at a seemingly dangerous Marshfield intersection, we asked what intersections does the public think are dangerous and could use some sort of improvements.

OnFocus followers noted E. 4th St. and S. Maple Ave. as being one of the biggest problem intersections in the city, with citizens reporting that buildings and street parking near the intersection hinder the view of oncoming traffic.

Check out the comments below.

According to City Engineer Tom Turchi, the intersection does not meet the national standards to introduce a four-way stop system.

Other troublesome intersections mentioned were:

  • St. Joseph Ave. and West Arnold St.
  • E. 8th St. and S. Central Ave.
  • Wisconsin Ave. and W. 4th St.
  • W. 6th St. and S. Central Ave.
  • Vine Ave. and E. Veterans Pkwy.
  • Galvin Ave. and HWY 97 (Not in city jurisdiction)

Depending on the circumstance, installing stop lights, four-way stops and eliminating street parking are all ways the city can potentially mitigate dangers at some of these intersections.

Feedback from citizens is crucial when evaluating intersection safety. Anyone that observes a safety hazard or has a concern is encouraged to contact City Engineering via 715-486-2034, or via email here.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

News Desk
Author: News Desk